Web-based Library Services in Visvesvaraya Technological University Research Centers Libraries in India: an Analysis of Researcher’s Perspective
Chandrashekara J, Mohan BS, Nayana H
To meet the changing needs and expectations of our users, the Visvesvaraya Technological University research center Libraries are building a suite of Web-based services, including accurate information, provides useful information, providing high quality information, library information on the web site is relevant, clear instruction and provide website like to institutional repository. In building a robust and flexible system for managing digital reference services, the Libraries is using technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of these services, while providing a ubiquitous, point-of-need service to library users. The project was initiated after analyzing the existing systems identified by unmet need for Web-based services. A well-structured questionnaire was administered to research scholars of 92 research centers of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) to collect data regarding the effectiveness of library Web-based services and analyze the level of researcher’s satisfaction. The project incorporates several methodologies to assess outcomes, user satisfaction, and performance. The responses were analyzed using statistical techniques (SPSS tool was used for data analysis). All the VTU research center libraries are not able to accommodate every researcher wishes for web-base services and facilities.
India, Library Services, Libraries, VTU Research Centers, Web-based
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