Editorial Team
Editorial Board
- Prof. Ashish Runthala, Professor,Depertment of Bioinformatics,Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India
Email: ashish.runthala@gmail.com
- Dr. C.D Venkatakrishnan, SAP,,Department of Biotechnology,Sastra University,Thanjavur,Tamil Nadu, Iindia
Email: venkatakrishnan@biotech.sastra.edu
- Dr. Devi Reddy Dharaneeswara Reddy, Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College (Autonomous), Tirupati, Chittoor Dist, Andhra Pradesh, India
Email: devireddydh@gmail.com
- Dr. Rajiv Kumar, DST-INSPIRE Faculty, Division of Biotechnology, Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, N.Delhi- 100 078, Visiting Scientist, QIMR-Australia
Email: rajiv082@yahoo.com
- Prof. R.P. Singh, Prof,Department of biotechnology,Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee,India
Email: rpsbsfbs@iitr.ac.in
- Dr. Ravanan Palaniyandi, Assistant Professor, School of Biosciences and Technology,Vellore Institute of Technology University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India Email: ravanan.p@vit.ac.in
- Dr. Sarvajeet Singh Gill, Assistant Professor, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India Email: ssgill14@yahoo.co.in
- Dr Satyabrata Pany, Post Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Science and Research Building, Houston, United States
Email: spany@uh.edu
- Dr. Shri Ram Yadav, Assistant Professor,
Department of Biotechnology,Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee,UK.
Email: srydbfbt@iitr.ac.in
- Dr. Varshiesh Raina, Lecturer in microbiology,
Sanjeevni College of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences, Jammu, J & K
Email: varshiesh@gmail.com