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- » Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science
Focus and Scope
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science
JoARLIS is a UGC Aproved, highly indexed and published on a peer review platform with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of library and information science.
The scope of the journal covers Research Articles, Review Articles, Methodology Articles, Short Communications, Case Study/ Case Reports, Research Reports, Monographs, Special Issues, Editorials research articles, Reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in all the areas of library and information science. All articles published in JoARLIS are peer-reviewed. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief to publish a paper in concurrence with sections editors and reviewer’s opinion is considered final.
Focus & Scope of JoARLIS:
- Library and Information Science
- Social Networking and Libraries
- E-Library
- Digital Library Systems
- Digital Library Services and Applications
- Digital Library Development and Management
- Digital Library Standards and Policy
- Digital Library Open Sources
- Digital Preservation
- Faculty/Librarian Partnerships or Collaborations
- Cutting Edge Instruction and Reference Techniques
- Copyright issues in Digital Environment
- Remote Access
- Collection Development Strategies
- Intellectual property rights
- Document Delivery
- E-resources
- Information and Communication Technology
- Information Retrieval
- Information Seeking Behavior
- Information Literacy
- Knowledge Organization
- Knowledge Management
- Web 2.0
Section Policies
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Research Article
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Review Article
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Short Articles
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Case Study
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
This Journal is managed by two executive bodies namely ‘Editorial board’ and the ‘Publication Management Team’. The ‘Editorial board’ of Journal comprises of a team of subject experts, nominated/ appointed by ADVANCE RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS. Director ADVANCE RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS is empowered to nominate/ appoint the editors. The editorial board of the Journal, over and above the outside experts, may have a couple of subject experts from the ADVANCE RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS.
The ‘Publication Management Team' comprises of the Chairman [Director, (ADVANCE RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS), India], and his support team- comprising of senior executives from ADVANCE RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS and local/ outside subject experts appointed/ nominated by him. 'Publication Management Team' may also have a representation of subject experts from the aforesaid 'Editorial board'.
The Chairman of the Publication Management Team of the Journal is empowered to nominate new members or dismiss the existing members of the Editorial Board and the Publication Management Team. The nomination of members is based on the knowledge, experience and their contribution in the said area of Journal and its allied branches. On the contrary, the dismissal is justified (with or without notice) on the grounds of their non- response, non-availability for longer times (without any intimation to the ADVANCE RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS), non-contribution and objectionable act/ behavior or a voluntary submission/ request to quit.
The 'Editorial board' is the competent authority in taking decision (s) on selection or rejection of the manuscripts of all the research/ review/ similar articles submitted to the Journal.The decision taken by Editors/ Reviewers is final in all respects and no further comments/ communications from authors in this regard is expected/ entertained.
In exceptional cases where it is difficult to arrive at a consensus, Publication Management Team's decision is taken as final.
The 'Publication Management Team' of Journal is fully responsible for publishing finally accepted manuscripts and maintaining the Journal publication timelines.
In addition, the 'Publication Management Team' members are also made responsible and empowered to contribute, screen-accept or reject the manuscripts of popular articles/ Short Communications that fall under the scope of the Journal.
The ‘Manuscript Management System' through the stipulated policies/ guidelines, attempts to provide the 'Editorial board' and the 'Publication Management Team' a tool to monitor the status from, submission, selection, pres-screening (initial quick) detailed review (main screening), refereeing to the acceptance/ rejection of a manuscript.
It may be noted that, the aforesaid policy may change with or without notice to the authors/ contributors of this journal. The decision of Journal in respect of management of a manuscript in every step is taken as final.
,N� i"a�e^ d hardware
- Embedded software
- Embedded Design Cycle
- Embedded Instrumentation & control
- Embedded Operating Systems
- Real Time Embedded Systems
- Hardware/software co-design
- Embedded Testing techniques
- FPGA Based Embedded System Design
- Application-specific processors/devices
- Emerging technologies and applications
- Advance Embedded Signal and Image Processing
- Embedded Automotive Systems
- Industrial practices and benchmark suites
- Embedded Access Technologies
- Embedded C & C++ Programming Languages
- Advance Signal and Image Processing
- Electronics Circuit, Board and System Design
- Digital Signal Processing
- Smart Card Technologies
Benefits to Authors:
We also provide many benefits to the Authors such as free Open Access, Unlimited Downloads, High Citation, Indexing, Liberal Copy Right Policy and Special Discounts for Authors who get their articles published with us regularly and much more.
Please see our Author Guidelines for more information on article submission. In case you require any further information then feel free to reach us at info@adrpublications.in
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science
JoARLIS is a UGC Aproved, highly indexed and published on a peer review platform with a goal to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of library and information science.
The scope of the journal covers Research Articles, Review Articles, Methodology Articles, Short Communications, Case Study/ Case Reports, Research Reports, Monographs, Special Issues, Editorials research articles, Reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in all the areas of library and information science. All articles published in JoARLIS are peer-reviewed. The decision of the Editor-in-Chief to publish a paper in concurrence with sections editors and reviewer’s opinion is considered final.
Focus & Scope of JoARLIS:
- Library and Information Science
- Social Networking and Libraries
- E-Library
- Digital Library Systems
- Digital Library Services and Applications
- Digital Library Development and Management
- Digital Library Standards and Policy
- Digital Library Open Sources
- Digital Preservation
- Faculty/Librarian Partnerships or Collaborations
- Cutting Edge Instruction and Reference Techniques
- Copyright issues in Digital Environment
- Remote Access
- Collection Development Strategies
- Intellectual property rights
- Document Delivery
- E-resources
- Information and Communication Technology
- Information Retrieval
- Information Seeking Behavior
- Information Literacy
- Knowledge Organization
- Knowledge Management
- Web 2.0
ISSN: 2395-2288