Political Thinking in ‘Novels’-as the Modern Indian Literature
Political and social aspects are the invisible parts of the human world. Both are coreflective and co-relative aspects of human life and humanism. The valuable place consisting of these two aspects is the unignorable part of the human world. Literature gives sound to these very important aspects which have been woven in human life. The Modern Indian Literature is the reflection of the exact condition of India during and after the time of Independence. The political thinking urges the authorities to set the social structure and the bases of the social structure the people face their good and bad days, better and worst growth. Novels, as the part of the Modern Indian Literature acquiring the valuable expression of the extremely productive and sensitive minded authors such as Raja Ram, Mulk Raj Anand, Mohan Rakesh, Nayantara Sahgal, Manohar Malgaonkar, Bhabhani Bhattacharya and many of the prominent writers have not just provided the literature which reflect the people affected by socio-political-cultural transformation but also their literary creations have been proved as the utmost significant monumental preservations of the human struggle for existence. These writers’ works are proved to be the means of total political awareness artistically without distracting or overburdening the mind of the readers and make the human sensitive toward being the rational, imaginative but strong to be the part of the organized socio-political-cultural thinking and applications
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