Constitution and Empowerment of the People of India

Dr. Shailendra Kumar Sharma, VK Shekhar


Constitution of India is the biggest written constitution. It is a living document, the permanent instrument which makes the government system work. The nation is governed on the basis of this constitution. The constitution of India imparts constitutional supremacy and not parliamentary supremacy as it is not created by the parliament but created by a constituent assembly and adopted by its people with a declaration in the preamble to the constitution. The majority of its provisions are either directly aimed at furthering the goals of the social revolution or attempt to foster this revolution by establishing the conditions necessary for its achievement. Yet despite the permeation of the entire constitution by the aim of national renaissance, the core of the commitment to the social revolution lies in Parts III and IV, in the fundamental rights and in the directive principles of state policy. The constitution, by its very existence, was a social revolutionary statement. It was to be a modernizing force. Actually constitution is empowering the people of India.


Preamble, Constitution, SEBC, Caste-driven divisions, Fundamental rights.

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