Managing Labour Capacity – A Case Study of Selected Higher Institutions in Kenya

Kimani Maina Antony


From the study, it is argued that health competition among the businesses as well as well motivated employees would certainly result to satisfied customers. A further argument however, contends that this could be amid an additional outlined path of upward transition towards permanent employment to avoid misuse of employees. Employees’ Perspective Zero and short hour’s contracts additionally provide a chance for corporations to retain competent and fully fledged staff who are retiring. The law enforcers ought to require the businesses to own predictable transition periods for workers from zero hours maybe to short hour’s contract and eventually to permanent contract. This means that once an employer puts a proportion of the workers on zero hour’s contract then survival in cases of severe demand fluctuation is secured. It is noted that that this dynamism has not modified the first principle in business that one identifies as the creation of value by remodeling raw inputs into valuable outputs that are then transferred to the purchasers at a profit. There are excusable short term reasons why an organization ought to get to increase zero and short hour’s contracts to her staff.  This primarily implies that the leader is in a position to pass the burden of demand variations to the staff. Another vital benefit is identified views zero and short hour’s contracts as an employer’s chance to effectively manage risks. Customers’ perspective following the revolution in information technology and internet, the market these days is characterised by customers who are well knowledgeable concerning what to expect in a product and/or service and also the choices obtainable at their disposal. In keeping with the client minded demand designing procedures ought to be driven by the dimensions of the customers’ demand.


Zero hours, short hours, raw inputs, valuable outputs

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