The postal code of Block 2 Sector C2 in Township, Lahore is 54770. Postal codes are used by postal services to efficiently route and deliver mail to specific ar
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Countries, States, and Cities
How tall is the average Sherpa male?
Asked by Herb123
Well, hello there, friend! Sherpa males are typically of a shorter stature, standing at an average height of around 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 5 inches. But reme
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Countries, States, and Cities
What does Paso Robles mean?
Asked by Wiki User
"Paso Robles" is a Spanish term that translates to "Pass of the Oaks" in English. The name refers to the abundance of oak trees in the area
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How safe is microwaving water for formula preparation?
Asked by Jesse Barrows
Microwaving water for formula preparation can be unsafe because it may not heat the water evenly, leading to hot spots that can burn a baby's mouth. It is recom
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Countries, States, and Cities
How do gender stereotypes manifest in TV shows, and can you provide specific examples to illustrate this phenomenon?
Asked by Maryjane Konopelski
Gender stereotypes in TV shows are often portrayed through the roles and characteristics assigned to male and female characters. For example, male characters ar
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Countries, States, and Cities
If The country where you would find West Mister Abbey?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, what a beautiful place to visit! Westminster Abbey can be found in the lovely country of England. It's a place full of history, art, and tranquility, where
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Countries, States, and Cities
At what age can babies safely start drinking water?
Asked by Kamryn Pfannerstill
Babies can safely start drinking water at around 6 months of age, when they begin eating solid foods. It is important to consult with a pediatrician before intr
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Countries, States, and Cities
A country straight east of Phoenix?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, what a lovely question! If you head straight east of Phoenix, you'll find yourself in the beautiful state of New Mexico. Just imagine the stunning landscape
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Countries, States, and Cities
Which paces in Jamaica have spanish names?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, darling, in Jamaica, you can strut your stuff in places like Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, and Spanish Town. Yes, you heard me right, they've got Spanish names,
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Countries, States, and Cities
What percent of states begin with the letter a i o or u?
Asked by Wiki User
24% of states begin with A, I, O, or U, or 12/50 states.
Answers about Countries, States, and Cities
by Deanna Outhwaite (2025-01-17)
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Countries, States, and Cities
Asked by Herb123
Well, hello there, friend! Sherpa males are typically of a shorter stature, standing at an average height of around 5 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 5 inches. But reme
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Countries, States, and Cities
What does Paso Robles mean?
Asked by Wiki User
"Paso Robles" is a Spanish term that translates to "Pass of the Oaks" in English. The name refers to the abundance of oak trees in the area
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Countries, Exploring Saudi Arabia States, and Cities
How safe is microwaving water for formula preparation?
Asked by Jesse Barrows
Microwaving water for formula preparation can be unsafe because it may not heat the water evenly, leading to hot spots that can burn a baby's mouth. It is recom
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Countries, States, and Cities
How do gender stereotypes manifest in TV shows, and can you provide specific examples to illustrate this phenomenon?
Asked by Maryjane Konopelski
Gender stereotypes in TV shows are often portrayed through the roles and characteristics assigned to male and female characters. For example, male characters ar
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Countries, States, and Cities
If The country where you would find West Mister Abbey?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, what a beautiful place to visit! Westminster Abbey can be found in the lovely country of England. It's a place full of history, art, and tranquility, where
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Countries, States, and Cities
At what age can babies safely start drinking water?
Asked by Kamryn Pfannerstill
Babies can safely start drinking water at around 6 months of age, when they begin eating solid foods. It is important to consult with a pediatrician before intr
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Countries, States, and Cities
A country straight east of Phoenix?
Asked by Wiki User
Ah, what a lovely question! If you head straight east of Phoenix, you'll find yourself in the beautiful state of New Mexico. Just imagine the stunning landscape
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Countries, States, and Cities
Which paces in Jamaica have spanish names?
Asked by Wiki User
Well, darling, in Jamaica, you can strut your stuff in places like Ocho Rios, Montego Bay, and Spanish Town. Yes, you heard me right, they've got Spanish names,
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Countries, States, and Cities
What percent of states begin with the letter a i o or u?
Asked by Wiki User
24% of states begin with A, I, O, or U, or 12/50 states.