Disaster Management in the area of Library and Information Centers

Sharmistha Mitra


Disasters are on rise, globally as well as in India. The losses of life and property due to disasters have increased substantially during last two decades. Significant natural and man-made disasters in recent years have reinforced the need for libraries and archives to be prepared for and respond to disasters. There is urgent need to adopt multidimensional, multi disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach to reduce the losses of culture, losses of property. A proper planning of disaster management can prevent the losses and reduce the losses.

Current literature on disaster management will be reviewed to determine the new trends in this field. The study focuses the major disasters in the recent past in Indian and world libraries. The article discusses library professionals’ role in managing the emergencies for the local community in particular and for the library and information centers in general. Having a federal system of Governance, India has integrated administrative machinery for management of disasters at the National, State, District and Sub-District levels. Various norms and policies have been formed by the government and non-government organizations. Initiatives have been taken by UNESCO for educating and spreading awareness among people regarding reduction in the impact and effects of any potential disasters or any emergencies. The steps and initiatives taken by the other parts of the world excluding India are also discussed. The future vision from the librarian’s point of view in making a disaster reduction plan successful through the awareness of society, also suggested at the end of the article.

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