Developing a Web-Based Integrated Library Catalogue System Using Library Thing: A Case Study of Kuvempu University Library

Geetha M, S Padmamma


Library Thing is a social networking tool for developing library’s catalogue. It is an online platform for sharing libraries’ collection. It is a low-cost and user-friendly tool for libraries with limited budget and limited staffing. The study built a web-based integrated library catalogue system for Kuvempu University Library using LibraryThing. The present study has generated considerable interest in the library catalogue. The study found that a number of librarians from across the country have been implementing a LibraryThing catalogue in their libraries. This study used LibraryThing, outlining ways in which it can be used by libraries, and identifying its overall value for libraries. 


Web 2.0, LibraryThing, Social Network, Catalogue, Web OPAC

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