Research Productivity of Science Academics - A Webometrics Analysis

Basavaraja M T


The study aims to know the research productivity of science academics as reflected in the database of Google Scholar. Based on the number of articles and citations, the research productivity has been measured. The h-index, i-10 index of the science academics are also considered to measure the research productivity. The result of the study found that only 25.19% science faculty members have created their Google Scholar my citation account. The study also found that among the faculty members, S. K. Sarangi has received 4479 citations for his 199 articles which are included in the database; his h-index and i10-index 36 and 74 respectively and thus he stands in the first place in the ranked list. The study also reveals that the Department of Mathematics has the highest average h-index (6) and average i10 index (11.12). 


Research productivity, Science academics, Google Scholar, Bangalore University

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