Open Source Technologies that improve Librarianship: The finest option at low-cost-no-cost

Chintan K Pandya K Pandya


Personal productivity or office management is very important for professional development in libraries. Technologies are becoming more useful for the improvement of productivity in the day-to-day library operation and make the functions smoother. It has been observed that some of the public libraries are underperforming their duties due to financial crisis. Sometimes, it happens that librarians are not able to accomplish certain library operations due to unavailability of technologies in the library. It is not that the librarians are not techno savvy, they have good command over technology operations in library, but due to low budget; school or public libraries are not able to procure licensed copies of library software and other office technologies. Here, I have listed various Free and Open Source technologies that can help smoothen library operations at NO COST! 


Open Source Technologies, Librarianship, Ubuntu, E-Granthalaya, LibreOffice, PDFCreator, CamStudio, Audacity, Moodle, Wikidpad, FreeMind, Portable Apps

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John W. Mind Maps as Classroom Exercises. The Journal of Economic Education, Taylor & Francis 2004; 35(1): 35-46.

Maulik S. Use Open Source Software to Improve Your Productivity. OpenSource for You 2012: 19.

Wikipedia. Available from: www.wikipedia. org.

Ubuntu. Available

E-Granthalaya. Available from: egranthalaya.

LibreOffice. Available from: www.libreoffice. org.

CamStudio. Available from:

AudaCity. Available from: audacity.source

PDFCreator. Available from: www.pdfforge. org.

WikidPad. Available from: wikidpad.source

Moodle. Available from:

PortableApps. Available from: www.

FreeMind Map. Available from: freemind.


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