Table of Contents
Research Articles
Amalgamation of History and Mythology with Fantasy in Caste System in Shiva Trilogy | |
Sanjay M Nandagawali | 1-6 |
From Anantajeevanam to Awakened Soil: An Instance of Self-Translation | |
Mohan Banothu | 7-11 |
Human Rights in Islamic Tradition: An Overview | |
Dr. Samee-Ullah Bhat | 12-16 |
Impact of Social Media on Culture, Society and Education | |
PK Pandia | 17-24 |
Universalisation of Secondary Education in India | |
Sangeeta Verma | 25-27 |
Short Article
Professor Debi Prasad Chattopadhyay – A Birth Centenary Tribute | |
Kaushik Bagchi | 28-29 |
ISSN: 2349-2872