The Ethical Leadership in the Digital Era

Nguyen Hai Thanh, Nguyen Van Quang


Ethical leadership has long been interested in researching quite popular in many areas, such as biomedical ethics, business ethics, ethical leadership, etc. but it seems that the practice of ethical leadership is not real respect, especially in the context of the current transformation of society in developing countries and countries that have not made much progress on democracy. Whereas in countries that are highly valued for democracy, the role of the leader becomes prominent to lead the organization to strongly adapt to those changes. Recently, the strong development of digital technology sets out for leaders who require higher and higher levels of practice to apply moral values and values in accordance with the requirements of a digital age, to increase the transparency, accountability, frequent connections between leaders and subordinates with the support of technology platforms, showing the spirit of service leadership. The content of the article will focus on theoretical approaches to clarify the concepts of ethical leadership in a digital era, some recommendations for construction and practice of ethics in a digital era.


Concept of Ethical Leadership, Digital Era, Ethics, Ethical Leadership, Leader

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