Universalisation of Secondary Education in India

Sangeeta Verma


Secondary Education (S.E) serves as a link between the elementary and higher education and plays a very important role in this respect. Apart from grounding the roots of education of a child, secondary education can be instrumental in shaping and directing the child to a bright future. This stage of education serves to move on higher secondary stage as well as to provide generic competencies that cut across various domains of knowledge as well as skills. The recent significant development viz., Universal Elementary Education (UEE) being achieved through Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) and also the impact of globalization and rapid growth of new technologies have led to reassessment of India’s preparedness to generaterequired technical manpower, develop new knowledge and skills, and remain competitive at global level, the time has arrived for taking proactive measures to plan and provide for universal access to secondary education and senior secondary education in a phased—wise manner. 


Universal, Secondary education, CAB committee, NCERT, Curriculum

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