Man and Society in the Future

Kewal Krishan Gupta, Susan Chirayath


The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have helped to change the lives of millions of people across the world from poverty, to overcome the deadly diseases and to ensure that children go to school. They have brought maternal deaths under control, expanded opportunities for women and increased access to clean drinking water. At the same time many countries have long way to go in promoting women empowerment, protecting the weaker sections of human race from devastating effects of crises like conflicts, natural disasters or volatility in prices for food and energy. Determined as the world leaders are, we are sure that they will achieve all the targets by 2015. 


Child mortality, Universal primary education, Gender equality, Women empowerment, Environmental sustainability, Global partnership for development.

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United Nations. The millennium development goals report, 2005.

United Nations. The millennium development goals report, 2008.

United Nations. The millennium development goals report, 2010.

United Nations. The millennium development goals report, 2011.

United Nations. The millennium development goals report, 2012.

National Institute of Medical Statistics and UNICEF. Infant and Child Mortality in India.

The Editorial, The Hindu, May 10, 2013.


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