Effective Ways of Teaching History

Avinash Pareek


There is normally a complaint against the teaching of history that the past events had to be narrated and as a result teaching becomes very dry and insipid. Dates are mentioned frequently and the past events are described by the teacher of history. But this is partially true.   History educators also can create more effective ways to teach history to students. They can incorporate primary sources into classroom discussions. They can also make use of local issues to connect students with the past. The teacher had to    stimulate the interests of his students to make his teaching lively and interactive. Historians could devise and share the techniques they have found to be most effective in their teaching careers. 


Teaching, history, effective

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Kochhar,(1989) S.K. Sterling Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi page1

Ibid pp 1

Ibid pp 1

Tyagi, Gurusarandas, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Jaipur pp161

Gaur, Dr Sunita (2005), Shiksha Prakashan, Jaipur pp23

Nehru, Jawaharlal (1963), Asia Publishing House, Mumbai pp 7

Tyagi, Gurusarandas, Vinod Pustak Mandir, Jaipur pp181


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