The impact of using Webquest method on Student’s academic achievement in different Schools of District Ramban in Jammu and Kashmir
It is concluded that both the method taken for study are quite effective for teaching the Computer The main purpose of this study is to find the impact of Webquest method with the use of multimedia on students academic achievements in different Schools (Govt./Private) Rural/Urban areas of District Ramban in Jammu and Kashmir State.
This Research paper stresses about the role of webquest method (use of multimedia) and Traditional method of teaching Computer Science concepts in relation to student’s achievement and retention. The interactive interface with the student is possible through computer, laptop and palmtop than any other media. The present experimental study compared the effectiveness of interactive multimedia and conventional direct method of teaching Computer in relation to students’ achievement and retention.30 students of class 10th of aged 14-16 years was selected from one school for the study and two grouped were formed of 15 students each in controlled group and experimental group. Experimental group was taught through the webquest methods and control group was through the Traditional/conventional direct method for teaching Computer.
Science concepts to class 10th students but however, out of these two methods, Webquest/ multimedia method was found more suitable with respect to the marks achieved by them in Computer science. When students were taught through, both direct conventional method & Webquest method than it was found that the acquired retention was better in case of Webquest method. The current study is helpful to answer the below mentioned queries.
- What is the impact of using Webquest on student’s academic achievements in class 10th in Computer Science concepts?
- Are there is any statistically significant difference between the average marks of experimental group and control group in the Pre-Test and Post-Test achievements in different Schools of District Ramban including Govt and Private Schools.
- How much the students of 10th classgain in learning as a result of the difference in pre-test mean score and post-test mean scores in computer science concepts as a result of teaching computer concepts using web quest method and using Traditional methods
- How much gain in learning in computer science concepts is retained after teaching using traditional methods at an interval of 10 days or after subsequent intervals of 10 days?
- How much gain in learning in computer science concepts is retained after teaching using web quest method at an interval of 10 days or after subsequent intervals of 10 days?
- How much is the difference in the mean gain score of retention of learning as a result of using web quest method and traditional methods?
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by Tábata das Dores (2018-01-17)