Role of Judiciary in Good Governance and Administrative Reforms

Vinod Chaudhary


The Constitution of India has Constitutionalism i.e. the government powers itself has certain restrictions  in law making. The basic structure of our Constitution has universally accepted democracy, Liberty and Rule of Law in it, which forms its backbone .The judiciary is one of the organs of the government, which acts as a balancing wheel to keep in check and balance between legislation on one hand and executive or administrative wing on another. The administrative reforms  may bring change in society at ‘micro-level’ or a transformation at ‘macro-level’. Judiciary acts and sometimes takes steps in law-making process by using judicial activism, P.I.L etc as tools of social engineering when there is no legislation on any subject or inadequate law or there is a lacunae in law and the legislative body is inactive in making relevant laws. Through deciding various cases the judiciary has made law that may be termed “as well as fundamental rights”. It has stretched the ambit of Article 21 to accommodate various new rights. These timely taken steps by apex court has delivered the end of justice and helped in good governance and social reforms at the doorsteps of a common men.


Judicial activism, Administrative reforms, Good governance

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