To Study the Hemisphere Dominance in Information Processing among B.Ed. Pupil Teachers

Isha Sharma, Sarita Sharma


Students preferentially take in and process information in different ways, by seeing and hearing, reflecting and acting, reasoning logically and intuitively, analyzing and visualizing, steadily and in fits and starts. Information that is processed cognitively by an individual is largely influenced by the dominance of hemisphere-city in his pattern of thinking and learning. It is not necessary that one learns with same way. If the learner discovers how to process information best, he can learn things more efficiently and in less time. That may help to expand the strategies on use for learning and studying. When learning something new or difficult, one naturally tends to use the learning style you prefer. It is good to know what this learning style is so one can respond most effectively to the material being presented. The present research article is descriptive in its nature and during the course of inquiry; researcher tries to find out the hemisphere dominance in the process of thinking and learning patterns or styles among B.Ed. pupil teachers of Himachal Pradesh.


Hemisphere, Himachal Pradesh, Pupil teachers

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