An Overview of Challenges in Indian Higher Education System

Dr Shailendra Kumar Sharma


India is required to develop a globally relevant and competitive higher education system because of structural shifts in global economy and technology process which raises the demand for highly skilled workers and innovators. By 2020, 3.5 billion jobs are expected to be created globally and by 2030, more than 90% of India’s GDP is expected to be contributed by skill intensive industries namely manufacturing and service sector. India is currently at the stage of demographic transition where population growth is slowing down, but the population of young people continues to expand. This young and large population should be educated for the socio-economic growth of the nation. Though the Government of India has given the required thrust to the higher education sector by initiating various plans and committees yet gross enrolment ratio (GER) is required to increase and there is a room for improvement and betterment in this sector. Hence, there are various challenges in higher education system


Higher education, Challenges, Gross enrolment ratio.

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