Boat Accidents in Nigeria: General Trends and Risk Factors (June 2006-May 2015)
Boat mishaps are more endemic than ever before in Nigeria due to increased patronage of water transportation. This preference heralded a new era of immense pressure on boat operators and other water users and increased boat accidents cum fatalities. Data from Nigeria Watch showed that 1607 lives were lost in 180 boat accidents between June 2006 and May, 2015. Identified human related and natural causes of such fatal boat accidents included overloading, careless driving, political instability, piracy, militancy, negligence, turbulent weather and wreckages. Findings in the article showed that fatalities spread among government security personnel including the Nigerian Navy, Army, boat operators and passengers, barge captains, militia groups and pirates. Also, finding showed that the amnesty program initiated in 2009 in the Niger Delta area contributed to the decrease in the number of boat accident fatalities in 2010 but the dissatisfaction in the management of the program among the different armed groups led to a resurgent of boat accident especially in the Niger Delta waterways.
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