Effect of Process Parameter on the Physico-chemical and Nutritional Characteristics of Osmotically Dehydrated Coconut (Cocos nucifera) Based Snack
Cocos nucifera slices (thickness 0.8 ± 0.1 mm) were osmotically dehydrated for a period of 0 min to 720 min with filtrates of functional ingredients as mint, ginger, carrot and beet root as osmotic solutions. During the osmotic progression, the dispersion of organic acids, minerals, vitamins and phenolics substances between treating samples and osmotic medium have contributed various changes in physical and chemical properties of the snack. There observed significant changes in physical and chemical profile of coconut slices during osmotic dehydration such as texture and color analysis , acidity (%), TSS (Total Soluble Solids) and proximate constituents, most significantly at 450th minutes of the osmotic process, regardless of the usage of dehydration methods (hot-air oven at temperature 45-60°C for about 6-7 hours and freeze drying at temperature -40 to 30°C for a time of 14-16 hours) and filtrates of functional ingredients used. Texture and color analysis exposed favorable changes in cell structure and appearance of the coconut based snack with respect to the drying methods and varying infusions.
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