Enrichment of Sorghum Biscuits with Oats and Nutrient, Objective Analysis of Developed Biscuits

SJ Monika, Shruti Kabra


Biscuits the popular and versatile ready to eat product is very convenient and inexpensive food and very popular among both rural and urban population of India. The present study was aim to develop and conduct a nutrient and objective analysis of sorghum biscuits. The biscuits were subjected to nutrient analysis to analyze protein, fat and fiber. Standardized methods were used for nutrient analysis. Nutrient analysis showed an increase in protein and fiber content of the sorghum biscuits, there was an increase of 1 g of protein when comparing the basic and variations were 5.41g was the maximum value of protein, and the fiber analysis showed an increase of 1 g from the basic to variations and the maximum value was 1.46mg. Texture was analyzed using a texturometre. The study provided a scope to conduct supplementation trials for protein energy malnutrition. 


Oats, Biscuits, Pem, Fiber

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