Table of Contents
Research Article
Cinema as a Matrix of Intermediality: A Comparative Literary Methodology | |
Ankita Gupta |
Distance Learning through ICT: Benefits and Challenges | |
Anup Kumar Varshneya |
Effect of Intelligence on Achievement in English of The Students of Secondary School | |
R K Mandal, Dr. K. S. Anil Kumar |
Emotional Identity: An Advantage or a Setback In context to Jane Austen | |
Swati Charan |
Higher Education & Emerging Challenges in India | |
Pramod Kumar Pandia |
Lal Ded: Re-defining the Socio-Religious Realms of Kashmiri Culture | |
Pavitra Kumari |
Review Article
A Review “The Necessity of Launching Adolescent Health Programme in Schools” | |
Kuppuswamy R |
Emotional Intelligence and Techno Pedagogical Skills of B.Ed. Students in Anantapur and Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, India | |
Naresh Babu Kothuru |
ISSN: 2456-4370