A Study on the Role of Modern Education Apps on Students

Ms. Arpita Maitra, Dr. S Anurekha


Education and Development are two entities that cannot be separated from each other. Education is a process of learning, something that continues throughout our lives.  Considerable work has been accomplished by economists, academicians, social scientist to determine and measure the role and effect of education in the development process. India has the great heritage of knowledge since time immemorial. Knowledge has been flowing from one generation to the other since centuries. It is one of the oldest education systems in the world and is respected, rewarded in all capacities. However education is not restricted to scriptures and text books alone. Innovation and Technology have become predominant in every sector including education. People in India are also becoming tech friendly especially with the advent of Smart phone which has made education innovative and has enhanced the learning experience of every student. Thus it is rather compulsory for the education sector to adapt to the dynamic environment to keep pace with the competitive world.  The impact of both technology and digitization on students and teachers of today’s generation is a topic to be exploited and analyzed. The researchers in the paper have tried to analyze the effects and the roles of modern apps like LinkedIn, Unacademy, Coursera, TED etc. in the students’ academic exercise.


LinkedIn, Unacademy, Coursera, TED

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