Professional Military Education

Siddharth Kharbanda


Professional Military Education (PME) is the means of holistic development and training of officers of armed forces. It is based on prolonged study that requires one to continuously read, study and upgrade his professional grade and competence. To remain abreast with the changing global scenario, it is incumbent on officers to educate and arm them to find solutions to a multitude of challenges that they may confront in their respective service careers. It involves grasping the basic functioning of the society, the socio-cultural and the geopolitical machinery. It is this sustained effort and development in the officers’ mind and spirit which encompasses PME.


Education, Training, Military education, Professional military education, Resocialisation, Character development, skill development, Language skills, Goldwater Nichols act, Skelton report

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“Professional Military Education and the Emerging Revolution in Military Affairs”, Steven Kenney. http:// fall96/kenney.pdf Accessed on 31 May 2015.

Lt Gen (Retd) PS Bhagat Victoria Cross(VC) Param Vashisht Seva Medal (PVSM) was the first Indian Army officer to be awarded with the VC. He hailed from the Corps of Engineers. Accessed on 07 June 2015.

“Professional Military Learning: Next Generation PME in the New Zealand Defence Force, Air Power Development Centre, Canberra. Accessed on 27 May 2015.

“Professional Mastery and Air Power Education”, Dr Sanu Kainikara. assets/AIRFORCE_Internet/docs/en/cf-aerospacewarfare-centre/elibrary/journal/2014-vol3-iss4-07professional-mastery-and-air-power-education.pdf . Accessed on 06 January2015.

“Rejuvenating Indian Army Education and Training”, Lt Col (Retd) Dharmendra Singh. http://www. Accessed on 10 May 15.

“Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorgan ization Act of 1986”, Public Law 99-433-OCT. 1, 1986 dod_reforms/Goldwater-NicholsDoDReordAct1986. pdf Accessed on 15 May 2015.

The Education of Mid-Career army Officers. James A Beaulieu. pdf Accessed on 25 May 2015.

“Military education and the study of War”,Prof Jeffrey Grey. viewFile/81128/71350. Accessed on 01 June 2015


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