Correlate of Factors Affecting avEffective Learning of English Language among Undergraduate Students in North-West, Nigeria

Abdul-Wahab Ibrahim


This study investigated whether difference exists between factors hindering effective learning of English language among undergraduate students in the northwest Nigeria, and determined the relationship between lecturers’ role and undergraduate students’ effective learning of English language. It also examined relationship between lecturers’ English language teaching method and undergraduate students’ effective use of English language. These were with a view to improving the quality of teaching and learning of English language among undergraduate students. The study adopted a survey design. The population comprised of all male and female undergraduate students in public universities in northwest states of Nigeria. The sample consisted of an intact class of 5880 Part 3 undergraduate students which made up of 2940 male and 2940 female students respectively. This was done to balance gender difference and to ensure gender equity. A highly structured self-developed instrument tagged, “Student’s English Failure and Weakness Questionnaire (SEFWQ)’’, was used to elicit information about factors hindering effective learning of English language amongst undergraduate students in the university. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistical methods were used to test postulated hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that a non-significant difference existed between the factors that hinder effective learning of English language among undergraduate students. Further, there existed a significant relationship between lecturers’ role and undergraduate students’ effective learning of English language. Also, there was a significant relationship between lecturers’ English language teaching method and undergraduate students’ effective use of English language. It was concluded that an awareness campaign of the importance of English language and the role of English lecturers on the part of undergraduate students should be vigorously embarked upon in all Nigerian university campuses as well as the society at large. 


English English language, Effective learning, Teaching method, Lecturer’s role, Undergraduate students. language, effective learning, teaching method, lecturer’s role, and undergraduate students.

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