English Teacher Performance through Education Process-Standard Implementation (EPSI) using Peer Coaching-Grow Me Model (PC-GMM)
This study aims to improve senior high school English teacher performance in implementing Indonesia education national process-standard by using peer coaching-grow me model. It used quantitative and qualitative approch and conducted Kemmis & McTaggart action research model. The research result are: (1) peer coaching-grow me model implementation can improve the teacher performance in learning process of planning, implementation and assessment; (2) peer coaching-grow me model program will increase the education process in school if it was done continuously and collaboratively; and then (3) the English learning process will be more meaningful to students if the English teachers also continuously and collaboratively implementing this instructional model. Peer coaching activities which applies grow me model can improve English teacher performance in planning, implementation and assessment. This action model can improve English teacher performance stages of GLOW (means shines): galvanized (G) means, the teacher get energy and momentum because of he/she can see the objective clearly; liberated (L), means the teacher can differenciates something important freely; open-minded (O), means the teacher has openly ideas to any opinion and thoughts; and well-grounded (W), means the teacher has good comprehension about his/her job.
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