Using Content-Based Language Teaching to Develop Speaking Skills of Banjara Students at +2 Level in Telangana

Mohan Banothu


In order to become professional English speaker, a non-native English speaker must get a chance at workplace/ academics/in a particular community to improve his/her English speaking ability. But in the world, countries like India (Third World), implementing foreign education system and developing English language ability in every person is the major issue. Moreover, implementing such education systems in tribes and backward communities (in a country like India) seems to be a sharp sword in the neck of the government. In India, since independence till date, many tribes were carried to the academics but because of poverty and low educational motivation in their own community/society they did not acquire the ability to speak fluent English even though government spending much for such communities. In India, banjaras are one of the backward communities in the state of Telangana, whose children lack ability to speak fluent English. So in order to improve English speaking in academics, this article chose CBLT method. And the study also shows different ways of teaching English to banjara students with the help of CBLT.


Fluent English, Academic, Implementing, Ability, Non-native

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