Necessity of Launching Adloscencent Health Programme in Schools

R K Mandal


The schools hold children in their domains for considerably longer duration for their formal education than any other institutions do. The school education commences at the age of about 3 years and it goes on up to 16 or 17 years of
age. In fact, the entire formative period of the children passes in schools. In other words, the children spend their early, middle and some parts of the late adolescence in schools.
As the foundation of a child’s life is laid by the school; it is, therefore, desirable that a child’s health is also protected and
promoted by the school under their care. Because, a child groomed with good health shall possess the strong possibility
of leading a healthy, happy and successful life; and that would serve the purpose of education better. “Healthy children
who become healthy adolescents are more likely to become healthy adults”, holds the World Health Organization (WHO).1
While this is the state for an individual; it holds good for a country too. If a country takes measures to promote health
of its children and adolescents; that country would be able to create better human resources and a peaceful society.

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