Emotional Intelligence and Techno Pedagogical Skills of B.Ed. Students in Anantapur and Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, India

Naresh Babu Kothuru


Teaching as a profession has been considered the world over, as one of the  noblest professions by all countries and at all times, and the society is indebted immensely to the teacher for the responsibility that they carry for shaping the destiny of the nation by educating the young generations.  For this purpose, apart from cognitive development, teacher education provides its pupils ample opportunities to develop better attitudes and values of our society. Therefore teacher should have high academic, professional and emotional qualities in their daily classroom teaching. Moreover the professional success of a man mainly, depends on his up-to-date of professional knowledge, fullest devotion and dedication along with his efficiency and effectiveness. In the present day with the technical advancement, the qualities of teacher can be inducted only through proper teacher education programme. The programme should provide the emotional strength and well being to the student teacher who is the future teachers of the country. Teacher education is defined as “All formal and informal activities and experience that help to quality of a person to assume the responsibility as a member of the education profession or to discharge his/her responsibilities most effectively (Good, 1945, P. 409). It is observed that people in all organization seem to be concerned about the ability of people to know, to manage and to regulate their emotions. They feel that it is better to lose brilliant candidates who have trouble in getting along and such those people whose skills are average, but have the ability to know and manage their own emotions, and those of others. They believed that such a person can be trained for the benefit of the organization and for oneself.

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