Cost and Benefit Analysis for Catfish Entrepreneur with Traditional and Biofloc Techniques

Siti Rochaeni, Haslinda Daulay


Fish consumption consists of seawater fish, brackish water fish, and freshwater fish. One of freshwater fish widely consumed by the public, namely catfish. This makes a lot of people that produce catfish to meet demand.  the purpose of this research are to find out the business expenses incurred in fish rearing catfish traditional and biofloc techniques, find out the business income earned in fish rearing catfish traditional and biofloc techniques, analyze the feasibility of catfish rearing business seen from the R/C ratio, B/C Ratio, Break Even Point (BEP), and Payback Period (PP), and to find out the strengths and weaknesses of traditional techniques with biofloc efforts on fish rearing catfish. The analysis tools in this research analysis on fee revenue ratio (R/C ratio), the analysis of the ratio of profit over cost (B/C ratio), break-even point (BEP), and payback period (PP). Quantitative data process used calculators and tools through Microsoft Office Excel 2007.  Costs incurred and income earned efforts fish rearing catfish traditional and biofloc techniques is good enough, so it needs to be maintained and to be developed. For rearing catfish farmers who have less capital, preferably using traditional techniques. While those with lot capital, preferably using biofloc techniques.


Biofloc, Catfish, Traditional, Rearing, Entrepreneur, Cost

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