Citations and Self citations of Indian Authors in Botany Journals : A study Based on Indian Citation Index

Senthilkumar R, G Ulaganathan


Indian Citation Index database is a powerful tool to search, track, and measure and collaborate in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities. This paper is discussed the published research articles, citations and self-citations in the Botany journals which are available in Indian Citation Index. There are 9213 articles published from 5 Botany Journals. Among the  journals , Plant Archives occupies first position with 2433(26.41%) articles and Advances in Plant Sciences occupies second rank with 1930(20.95%) articles Annals of Plant Protection Sciences is in third 1898(20.60%)It is pointed out that the frequency of the journals is varying and that is one of the reasons for the strength of articles. 


Botany, Indian Citation Index, Citations, Self Citations, JCI, RII, Uncited %

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