Cellular Automata in Indentifying Coding Sequences in DNA
Biological data is exceptionally immense and unpredictable in nature. This biological data has tremendously helped scientific research immensely. This enormous data must be saved and examined for future study. Protein coding groupings are DNA arrangements that are interpreted into mRNA and in which the comparing mRNA particles are made as a polypeptide chain. Each three nucleotides, termed a codon, in a protein coding succession encodes one amino acid in the polypeptide chain. In a few cases, distinctive skeleton may either guide an offered codon to an alternate grouping or may utilize diverse codons pretty much often.DNA is encoded with information with genetic code which is a set of rules which are translated into proteins by the cells. This paper reports a fast algorithm which can predict the protein regions from DNA sequence. Even though the classifier accuracy is 78.6 but the time to identify the protein coding region is less than 5 nano seconds when tested with CONDOR data set.
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