Judicial Supremacy

Deepak Singhal, Harshita Poonia


Judicial supremacy amounts to grabbing power by one branch of government to positively create law. The independence of the judiciary is often assured through the constitution however it’s going to even be assured through legislation, conventions, and different appropriate norms and practices. The judiciary in India enjoys more power than ever before and is the most powerful judiciary of the world. The Indian constitution only Regulates the state should differentiate those legal starting with those official in the general population benefits of the state. of the pressures that emerged every once in a while between the legal and the official and the assembly, the glory of the legal has expanded extensively. At the same time, there are some more desires from the legal. Judicial supremacy is a concept frequently employed in both domestic and comparative constitutional theory but rarely carefully defined and systematically analyzed. it also aims to evaluate its usefulness as a concept in the toolbox of comparative constitutional theory. Judiciary interferes in every facet of the social and political life through the means of judicial activism. Judiciary interferes in every facet of the social and political life through the means of judicial activism.


Judicial supremacy, Judicial activism, Judiciary, Conventions, Legislation

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