Internet Freedom: Perspectives, Challenges and threats in Present Scenario

Vinod Chaudhary


Internet freedom is a relative term, and it changes according to a place, time and national laws of a particular country. “Internet” is ‘affordances’ to actions and behavior that a system makes feasible and “freedom” is a ‘constraints’ referring to practices and behaviors that are made difficult. Internet freedom is a crucial medium and an important tool through which people express themselves and share in the social, political, legal and economical areas, having a strong presence of democratic as well as human rights values. Internet freedom aims to provide both regulated freedom by defining rules to protect from crime and terrorism and freedom from surveillance and regulation by the governments and corporate giants i.e. internet service providers companies. Striking a balance between regulation and protection of its citizens is a delicate task for governments, I.S.P’s (internet service providers) and societies at local as well as at global level. By applying various national laws, a nation restricts the ‘freedom’ on ‘internet’ by surveillance, filtering, censorship, blocking and also governance of internet freedom by enacting specific laws e.g. I.T Act, 2000 of India for curbing the misuse and abuse of such freedom on net in National interest and maintain law and order


Internet freedom, Concept of internet freedom, Online restrain of freedom, Threats to internet freedom

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