Editorial Team

Editorial Board

  1. Dr Joshua N. Aston, Assistant Professor of Law, Dean, Students' Welfare & Officer on Special Duty (Office of Director), Gujarat National Law University, Koba, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
  2. Dr Topi Basar, Associate Professor, Chairperson, Centre for Post-Graduate Legal Studies (CPGLS), National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam Ulubari, Guwahati
  3. Dr Bhumepalli Hydervali, Professor of law, Former Chairman, Academic Coordination, National law University, Cuttack, Odisha
  4. Dr Anuja S, Assistant Professor, National Law School of India University, Bangalore
  5. Dr Fakkiresh S. Sakkarnaikar, Assistant Professor of Law, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar, Gujarat
  6. Dr. Mayengbam Nandakishwor Singh, Faculty of Political Science, National Law University, Assam, Ulubari, Guwahati
  7. Vijay Pratap Tiwari, Associate Professor of Law, Head, Centre for Child Rights, National Law University, Assam
  8. Dr. Rose Varghese, Vice- Chancellor, The National University of Advanced Legal Studies (NUALS), Kalamassery, Kochi
  9. Dr. Dinesh Varshney, Professor and Head, School of Law, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India
  10. Prof.(Dr.) R.N. Sharma, Vice-Chancellor, IASE (D) University, Sardarshahr, Retd. Professor, India
  11. Dr Shipra Gupta, Department of Laws, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
  12. Prof. Monika Arora, Associate Professor, Apeejay School of Management
  13. Prof.(Dr.) A. Lakshminath, Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna, India
  14. Dr. D. S. Makkalanban, Assistant Professor of Political Science, National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, India
  15. Dr. Prashant S. Desai, Assistant Professor of Law, HAL DPSU, Chair in Business Laws, NLSIU, Bangalore, India
  16. Prof.(Dr.) R. Venkata Rao, Vice Chancellor, National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore, India