Preparation of Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes and Effect of Anodization Time on the Surface Morphology

John K Aijo John K, Manju T


Vertically aligned titanium dioxide nanotubes are fabricated by anodization of titanium plates. The anodization is carried out with ammonium fluoride in ethylene glycol as the electrolyte. The surface morphology of the as-formed nanotubes were analyzed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The effect of anodization time on the morphology of nanotubes is investigated. Nanoporous structures are formed in the initial stages and on prolonged anodization, a clear transformation of nanopores into well separated nanotubes are observed. Excellent nanotubular arrays with an average diameter of 67 nm are obtained by continuous anodization for eight hours.


TiO2 Nanotubes, Anodization, Metal oxides.

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