Standardization of the Effect of Water Stress on the Yield and Productivity of Corn (Zea maize L.)According to the Stages of Growth
A field experiment was carried out for the purpose of studying the effect of water stress, according to stages of growth of maize where the experiment was carried out at the Agra technology Research Station, University Malaysia Perlis Padang Besar, Perlis, Malaysia in March 2014 to June 2014 to investigate the influence of studying the effect of irrigation dates on maize crop. For the purpose of studying the effect of irrigation dates on maize crop. The results showed the superiority of the plants that were not exposed to water stress along the growing season, compared with plants that were exposed to water stress along the stages of growth. The results also showed the sensitivity of the plant at the flowering stage and the apparent effect of water stress at this stage on the yield and production of corn. This has a great effect on flowering and grain formation. The results also showed the effect of water stress on the deeper roots as the plant when exposed to water stress will lead to increased root deepened, thereby raising the possibility of access to water. Valley water stress at maturity to influence the characteristics of growth, but this effect was not significant since this stage reached the plant to the end of its growth; therefore, no longer water stress had a significant impact. It is concluded that the amount of irrigation water can be reduced in the maturation stage for low impact. The results showed the importance of providing appropriate moisture in the period of flowering.
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